Convocante: Coalition for art and sustainable development (COAL)
Dotación: un premio de 5.000 euros y residencia artística
Modo de presentación: a través de la web
Plazo de admisión: hasta el 30 de enero de 2015
COAL Prize Art and Environment 2015 premia cada año el proyecto de un artista implicado en cuestiones medioambientales. El objetivo fundamental es el de promover y apoyar el papel del arte para sensibilizar acerca de la cultura ecológica. En cada edición el proyecto ganador es seleccionado de entre diez propuestas finalistas, en base al criterio de un jurado de reconocido prestigio en el ámbito del arte, la investigación, la ecología y el desarrollo sostenible.
Application deadline : January 30th, 2015 at midnight.
The COAL Prize will be awarded in Autumn 2015.
Applicants will be judged on the following criteria : artistic value, relevance (understanding of the issues), originality ability to introduce new approaches, themes, and points of view, pedagogy (ability to get a message across, to raise awareness), social and participative approaches (engagement, testimony, efficiency, societal dynamics), eco-design, feasibility.
The COAL Prize supports art projects in progress. Its endowment is not intended to cover all production costs of the project and should be considered as an aid to development. The call for entries of the COAL Prize 2015 aims to promote the artists involved and demonstrate the creative potential of the visual arts on environmental issues. The call for projects 2015 also aims to identify the initiatives being developed for COP21 and promote them.
The application should include the following documents, assembled in a single PDF file. The application must not exceed 20 pages:
A summary and illustrated description of the entry, detailing its artistic aspects and its relevance to the environmental issues ;
2 HQ pictures illustrating your project ;
A note on the technical aspects of the entry, notably in terms of construction and means of production ;
An estimated budget ;
A Curriculum Vitae and a portfolio ;
All proposals should be submitted to Coal server before January 30th, 2015 at midnight.
Upload your application
By entering this competition, applicants expressly authorize the Coal organization to publish, reproduce and display in public all or part of the elements of their entry, for any purpose linked with the promotion and communication of the Coal project, on all platforms, media, in all countries and for the legal duration of the copyright. Entries submitted but not selected will be held in the archives of the Coal organization. They will, however, remain the property of their authors. Participation in this call entails the full acceptance of the conditions laid out above.
For any further requests please write to : contact(at)
– See more at:
Imagen: Thierry Boutonnier, Angelus After, 2011
Más información y bases completas
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